Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Did you know it's not normal and nice to say I'm like my brother?


Now, people keep giving me parts of my body to mess up.  My big toes feel inflated.  I lost my toenail clipper and got frustrated with the fingernail 1.  I don't see how anyone can do that to me, violate me.  It's terribly uncomfortable.  I know it's just a shitty putting together of puzzle pieces like my body doesn't matter.. you wanna give me cancer?  Please don't freak out that I actually talk about my problems rather than remain a mundane fool who sits their asses in front of other people's faces.  You can't hurt me if I don't do everything you like and you're wrong.  You don't ultimately hurt others.  You wanna think about what I said?  I don't attack others.  I only defend my rights to live.
I went out and got up cuz my dad looked at me like his oldest sister, and I got up to fix myself.  Then, they froze my window on IMDb so I think about worrying if it will freeze when I post.  I do not accept this.  I don't care if it could happen.  Now, how will I get to sleep?


Don't you dare put me up to my dad.  Ellen sure posted a load of nonsensical secret messages.  What is the meaning of seriously putting me up to my dad??  Doesn't hurt to ask.. I'm not gonna sit here and wonder about shit like that and waste my life for others.