Friday, July 25, 2014

More Shit

I watched Inside Riding Star, and this black guy was rubbing his hands and made it look tacky with short nails, and everyone felt their hand change, too.


I just went for a jog, and my iPodTouch when I touch the screen won't show me the song that's playing.  I was able to do it by pressing the on|off button.

I came home and didn't sound happy, and my dad said, "Good."

I know Ellen did this, but my brother was sending me mean secret messages so I thought the violence out in my head 1st only to be bothered again by|for it.  I did come home and actually try to fix it, but it's not like I'm gonna really commit a crime.  I didn't think of it as I would.  You don't care if anyone bothers me.  You're a sinner.  Did you know sinners go to Hell?  I guess your faith is not based in the Jewish religion.  I can see that.  Was I really sinning?  No.  Was it the best thing I could do?  Of course not.  That's all that matters.  If someone didn't do anything to you, is it wrong to not have self-control?  Yes, it is wrong not to have self-control.  You let other people get away with it cuz you think I'm not white.  Well, that's not true.  It's too bad you don't accept it.

I do blame..

..I felt a little my toes poof like someone on the Soapbox.


I still don't feel good.


These people won't leave me alone.


My Paint is starting to mess up with the mouse.